Charles River Esplanade Proposal

Charles River Esplanade Proposal - Justin & Jessica

Hard to believe Justin and Jessica’s proposal happened yesterday!!!
Two years ago, Justin and Jessica began their journey together at the Charles River Esplanade. Little did they know, this would become the place both would celebrate their love together again.
Justin contacted me a month and a half ago, about hiring me to take photos for his proposal.
After scheduling some time to chat, he told me how he asked Jessica to be his girlfriend on the esplanade, overlooking the city.
I believe in energy. I blame my sister, but I love working with people whose energy I feel genuinely connected to. For me, it’s pure magic! I felt this with Justin and Jessica.

Justin and I met a month prior, to scout for locations. Justin mentioned how he has been going to physical therapy, after a ski fall 6 months ago. We practiced kneeling together. He mentions that Jessica was his motivation. After two years, three moves, and a pandemic, he knew that Jessica was the one. We walked around the Charles, I was drawn to this beautiful willow tree. Justin said, “this is where we sat the night we became official.” From there on, this would be our tree!!

For the surprise picnic, I wanted to put Justin in contact with amazing POC creators in the city.

We worked with @daetimesoiree, aka @baddiedae , to set up a beautiful picnic scene. I contacted my favorite Latina florist @rococofloralco , aka @claudia_lapena , to make a beautiful floral arrangement.

Planning can be extremely difficult and stressful: trusting strangers to help you create your vision. I am so happy Justin put his trust in me.

I enjoy planning and bring amazing people together. It’s the Taurus in me!!! I believe you attract the energy you give out.

Cheers to a happy beginnings Justin and Jessica.

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